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How To Create Venue Event

How To Create Venue Event

Creating Venue Events on Shows.NG is very simple.

To Create Event On Shows.NG follow the steps below:

1. Login to your account

2. Click on the MENU button located at the top left of your mobile phone screen. 

3. Locate the CREATE EVENT button and click on it.

4. You will see an option to pick the kind of event you intend to create whether it’s a VENUE EVENT or a an ONLINE EVENT with no physical venue. So, Click on CREATE under Create A Venue Event.

5. Fill in your EVENT NAME

6. Enter your name or the name of the person or organization officially organizing the event

7. Choose a CATEGORY for your event. Choose the category your event falls into

8. Enter the DATE of your event and TIME with projected DURATION of the event.

9. Choose whether your event is a one day event or more than one day. Pick NO if your event is just a day event. If it's more than a day, pick YES.

10. Upload your EVENT IMAGES. Here feel free to upload your event artwork and other relevant pictures. Please note that you must upload the MAIN IMAGE of the event. If you want you can upload any other 4 photos (max image size is 3mb)

11. Put the the DESCRIPTION of your event here. Your description can include other information about your event.

12. Add the VENUE of your event. The VENUE FIELD can contain the name of Hall or space the event is taking place (E.G Baba Alakin Hall)

13. In the ADDRESS field, add the correct address line of your venue  (Km 5, Lagos-Sagamu expressway)

14. Next, add the COUNTRY your event is taking place

15. Add the STATE/REGION your event is taking place. (EG. Lagos)

16. Add the CITY/SUBURB where your event will be taking place. (E.G LEKKI)

17. You can add your ZIP CODE or POSTAL CODE of the town your event is taking place if you want.

18. Click On NEXT to create Ticket or Asoebi

Once you click NEXT you will be given an option to Add Tickets to your event or Add Asoebi or Uniform details. If you’re not adding any, you can simply click Next and you will be taken to Summary Page where you’d see the details of your free event and your event will be created for free.

NOTE: If you don’t create Ticket for your event, our system will automatically generate a FREE Ticket for you.

Learn To Create Tickets Here                                  Learn To Create Asoebi or Uniform Here

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