Terms of Service

Welcome to Shows.NG is your gateway to an innovative, immersive event ecosystem that transcends the ordinary. We are more than just a platform; we are a dynamic bridge connecting event organizers and passionate participants in a vibrant digital space. As you embark on your journey with us, it's essential to understand the contractual framework that underpins this interaction. These comprehensive terms provide the guidelines that shape our collaboration, ensuring a harmonious and enriching experience for everyone involved.

By using Shows.NG, whether you're an event organizer shaping remarkable experiences or an attendee seeking unforgettable moments, you're entering into a mutual agreement meticulously outlined in these terms. These terms serve as the bedrock for a cooperative and transparent environment where your rights and responsibilities are clearly defined. We encourage you to explore these terms in depth, as your utilization of our platform signifies your unreserved acceptance of these foundational principles and regulations. This agreement is intentionally designed to foster a robust partnership between you, our valued user, and us, dedicated to creating exceptional event experiences.

Account Registration

a) The Genesis of Your Journey: Your journey on Shows.NG commences with the creation of your account, a pivotal step that opens the door to a world of functionalities meticulously tailored to streamline event management and participation. Upon successful registration, you're granted access to a personalized dashboard, effectively becoming your control centre for event orchestration, tailored recommendations, and seamless communication tools that collectively elevate and enhance your overall experience.

b) Priority on Authenticity: At the core of any thriving system lies the accuracy, currency, and comprehensiveness of the information shared. During the registration process, we place a premium on the accuracy of the details you provide. Falsified or incomplete information disrupts our services' efficiency and exposes the potential for compromised experiences or even account suspension. Upholding the authenticity of your details isn't just a task; it's a contribution to building a trustworthy and reliable community.

c) Guardianship of Security: In an era dominated by technological prowess, digital security emerges as a paramount concern. While we've fortified our platform with advanced encryption and cybersecurity measures, you, as a user, play an indispensable role in maintaining digital safety. Safeguarding your account details, proactively updating passwords, and promptly reporting any semblance of suspicious activity are fundamental responsibilities that we urge you to undertake. By collaboratively adopting these practices, we enhance the security of our platform's ecosystem.

d) Termination for Community Integrity: A thriving online community hinges upon vigilance against misconduct and misuse at Shows.NG is unequivocally committed to nurturing a safe, dependable environment for all users. Consequently, any transgressions, whether in the form of disseminating misinformation, engaging in malicious activities, or improperly exploiting platform features, may result in the termination of the user's account. This measure, while taken with gravity, serves as an unyielding guardian of the integrity of our communal space.


User Obligations

a) Operating Within Legal Bounds: An implicit facet of every user's interaction with Shows.NG is the commitment to operate within the boundaries of the law. This encompasses refraining from posting prohibited content and ensuring that all financial transactions conducted within the platform are well within the realm of legality. The breach of these legal bounds carries the potential for not only platform sanctions but also the initiation of legal repercussions.

b) Cultivating Civil Conduct: Shows.NG thrives on a foundation of mutual respect. Every interaction, whether among users or with platform features, should be characterized by elements of civility, courtesy, and constructive engagement. Harassment, spamming, or any form of digital misconduct are diametrically opposed to our community's collaborative spirit.

c) Fostering Transparency: The importance of transparency cannot be overstated. This element holds particular significance for event organizers, accentuating the critical nature of presenting precise and comprehensive event details. Attendees rely on this transparency to make informed decisions about their participation. Event listings on the platform are incumbent upon to reflect their true essence without any semblance of concealing or misrepresenting crucial information.


Sales, Purchases & Financial Transactions

a) Prudent Purchases: Transactions conducted on Shows.NG, whether for event tickets or accompanying merchandise, demand meticulous consideration. Attendees are strongly advised to thoroughly review their selections before confirming a purchase. This counsel is particularly relevant due to the non-entertainment of post-purchase refunds. This policy underscores the paramount importance of informed and well-considered decision-making.

b) Special Consideration for Asoebi & Uniforms: Cultural or thematic apparel, once acquired, holds a unique characteristic of being non-returnable and non-refundable. This policy isn't just a matter of principle; it serves to streamline event organizers' inventory management and logistical operations, ultimately resulting in heightened coordination and efficiency.

c) Transparency in Payment Sources: Financial transparency serves as an immovable cornerstone of our platform. Event organizers are urged to be cognizant that their payouts may originate from two potential sources: Shows Innovation or Superb Digital accounts. Recognizing and accepting payments from these entities ensures streamlined financial transactions and contributes to the platform's financial integrity.

d) Compliance with Taxes & Deductions: Shows.NG functions within the framework of both local and international financial norms. Consequently, specific transactions may entail deductions or taxes as mandated by relevant governing bodies. This unwavering compliance is not only pivotal in upholding the financial sanctity of the platform but also contributes to maintaining a balanced financial ecosystem.


Intellectual Property

a) Safeguarding Platform Rights: Shows.NG is an intricate amalgamation of cutting-edge technology and imaginative content. Each element, whether it be design, textual content, or innovative features, is meticulously safeguarded as intellectual property. These constituents' unauthorized utilization or replication carries the potential for legal consequences.

b) Ownership and Licensing of User Content: It's imperative to note that users retain proprietary rights over the content they contribute to the Shows.NG platform. However, users effectively extend a license to Shows.NG by uploading content. This license enables Shows.NG to leverage contributed content for platform enhancement, promotional campaigns, or strategies to foster greater user engagement. This symbiotic relationship ensures the continued ascension and efficacy of the platform.

c) Prohibition of Unauthorized Use: The curated content integral to Shows.NG contributes substantially to its unique identity. Users are explicitly prohibited from misappropriating, altering, or distributing this content, particularly with an aim for pecuniary gains, without obtaining explicit authorization from the platform. This prohibition is in place to safeguard the integrity of the platform's content and respect contributors' ownership rights.


Limitation of Liability

a) Platform for Harmony: While user satisfaction remains our paramount goal, it's important to acknowledge that discrepancies or disagreements may occasionally arise. In such instances, our objective is to seek resolutions that are amenable to all parties involved. However, it's important to understand that our financial liability is limited to the aggregate amount paid by an individual user for our services over the preceding six months. Moreover, users are expected to indemnify Shows.NG, thereby safeguarding it from unwarranted claims or legal challenges stemming from any instances of user misconduct.



a) Upholding Platform Norms: Just as any thriving digital platform, Shows.NG operates based on established norms and behavioural expectations. Instances of repeated violations, malicious intent, or actions that jeopardize the platform's stability can culminate in suspending or terminating a user's account. It's crucial to recognize that while this measure may appear stringent, it's undertaken to preserve the platform's sanctity and ensure its users' safety.


Amendments & Updates

a) Evolving Together: As a platform committed to evolution, user satisfaction, and strict adherence to legal norms, Shows.NG reserves the right to revise its terms periodically. It's important to understand that these changes are not arbitrary; they are driven by a desire to enhance user experiences, accommodate legal modifications, or implement platform upgrades that amplify their utility. It's emphasized that the continued use of Shows.NG following such modifications implies your unwavering agreement to be bound by the updated terms.


Governing Law & Jurisdiction

a) Legal framework: All legal matters and implications stemming from the use of Shows.NG, its features, and any resultant disputes unequivocally fall within the jurisdiction of Nigeria's legal framework.


Referral Program Terms and Conditions


  - Participation in the referral program ("Program") is open to all registered users of Shows.NG

  - By participating in the Program, you agree to these terms and conditions ("Terms").

Referral Links:

  - Registered users may generate a unique referral link or code through their account dashboard.

  - Referral links or codes must be shared with individuals who are not already registered users of the Platform.

Commission Earning:

  - Registered users ("Referrers") may earn commissions in accordance with the Program guidelines for each successful referral.

  - Commissions may include sign-up bonuses, first event commissions, and sales commissions.

  - Commissions are only earned for referrals who sign up and engage in revenue-generating activities on the Platform.

Withdrawal of Earnings:

  - Referrers may request a withdrawal of their earnings once they have reached the minimum withdrawal amount specified in the Program guidelines.

  - Withdrawals are subject to additional criteria, including the requirement for at least one referred user to make a paid sale.

Non-Eligible Activities:

  - Commissions are not earned for referrals who engage in non-revenue-generating activities on the Platform, such as free ticket sales or other promotional activities.

  - Shows.NG reserves the right to disqualify any referral or withhold commissions if it is determined that the referral has engaged in fraudulent or abusive behaviour.

Modification and Termination:

  - Shows.NG reserves the right to modify or terminate the Program at any time without prior notice.

  - Any changes to the Program will be communicated to registered users via email or through the Platform.

General Terms:

  - Participation in the Program constitutes acceptance of these Terms.

  - We reserves the right to suspend or terminate the accounts of users who violate these Terms or engage in fraudulent behaviour.

  - These Terms are subject to Shows.NG's overall Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

By participating in the Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and conditions.


Ensuring User Satisfaction

At Shows.NG, we view user satisfaction as a driving force. We remain steadfast in our commitment to continuous evolution, dedicated to enhancing the event engagement experience and fiercely upholding the rights and security of our users. Your satisfaction lies at the heart of our mission, and we relentlessly strive to ensure that your interaction with Shows.NG is nothing short of exceptional.

These exhaustive terms of service delineate the reciprocal obligations and anticipations that crystallise the essence of the interaction between users and Shows.NG. By embracing and meticulously adhering to these terms, users actively contribute to cultivating a vibrant, secure, and thriving online event ecosystem. Shows.NG remains resolute in its commitment to ceaseless improvement, diligently endeavouring to bestow a platform that facilitates seamless event engagement and exemplifies the highest user rights, security, and satisfaction standards.